Hangar 45 is the central hub for all L45 builders and their websites from around the world! From here, you are connected to a wealth of information and to the builders themselves through the many forums. Visit Hangar45 and become a member to interact in the forums!
I currently have over 1,000 photos of my Lear45 project posted on photobucket. Sit down with your favorite beverage and go through this treasure trove of visual information. It is guaranteed to answer many of your question while raising countless other. See the photos HERE
Eric Tomlin is my right hand man who I bounce my ideas off of. I have been working with Eric for several years now and together, we have pushed the L45 airframe to all new heights! He is also building beautiful back lit panels available for sale that cover 90% of the flight deck. You can visit his personal website at Flight Line Simulations or make contact with him in the forums at hangar45.
Flight Deck Soft If your building a Lear435 simulator, you can not go without Jet45 AAS, (Primus-style software). Jason Hite of Flight Deck Soft has developed a P1000 software suite's that is 95% functional, including the Radio Management Units and the Display Units. Visit Flight Deck Soft for more details, pricing and the latest developments!
learjet45.weebly.com Douglas Dick from Falkirk Scotland is our newest club member at Hangar45 . He is also working on his own version of a full scale cockpit shell and to date has made significant advances in his project overall. Douglas will be a great partner and friend with our quest for the best simulators!
members.ziggo.nl/jaap_both/ Jaap Both and Otto Steenbergen from Delft, The Netherlands have been building a Learjet45 simulator and are nearly complete. Together, they were one of the first to take on this aircraft back in 2004! Go to their website to see the latest progress and updates.
www.crowntrophy.com Thank you Crown Trophy! I found one in Jacksonville Florida that has been more than helpful with all of my "off the wall" needs. They have a laser engraver that is powerful enough to cut up to .25" thick CAST Acrylic plastics and of course engrave numerous other types of material. They are the ones responsible for helping me with the 389 Replicas and other small engraving details in the simulator!